Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Emotion and Reason

Plato’s theory of art provides an interesting explanation of art’s place in society. Finding that art is simply an imitation of already created forms, Plato reasons that art serves no practical purpose in society. In its appeal to the emotions, which most would agree is an integral part of art; it actually detracts from society as it distracts people from reason. An obvious question that develops through this explanation is whether reason is always superior to emotions. The question itself means that reason and emotion are separate categories that we have the ability to choose between. Often we use reason to help our emotional state. An individual might reason through various options of how to spend their day and base their decision on which would make them happiest. People do not usually choose a holiday vacation based on which picture makes them feel better, they look at various options, their costs, and the activities available and then decide which they like more. Emotions can also lead people to make positive decisions. If one sees an injured animal and takes care of it they are probably acting on an emotional response. Reason might tell them that the animal will be a lot of work and they already have a lot of responsibility. Reason might also tell them that animals suffer and suffering is a negative state so they should help it, but this decision would only be made if one understood the emotional state of suffering. That means emotions are necessary for helping others. This mean emotions and reason probably should not be separated on two ends of a spectrum where emotions are to be discouraged. Another problem with removing emotions is that they are naturally part of the human experience is that they are still a part of us. If people do not express their emotions they are likely to come out at various and perhaps inappropriate times. If a person is angry at someone and never says anything, they may end up taking that anger out on a friend or family member. They will not mean to, but it will still happen. I do not believe that it is possible to remove emotions, only to not act on them in specific situations. And the emotional response that is not acted on is still there. People cannot choose to no longer feel.   
Can someone be a good person without feeling any emotions?     

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