Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Response to Andrea's Question about whether skill is needed in art

Knowing different skills in art does make you a better artist. Art skills have been developed over long periods of time and increasingly allow individuals to make more accurate representations of the world around us. These are important skills and create interesting art. An individual does not have to use them to create good art, but someone who can only draw a couple of things is limited in the expression of their ideas. The more skills they have the more capable they are of creating representations in whatever way they choose to do so. If they do not have the skills, they are limited in what they can try. Having done some video editing work, I can say that I do not always design things the way a teacher may have suggested but I am able to use what they taught and incorporate them into my own way of doing things. For most people, they can only go so far without someone to teach them. That does not mean that people who do not go to school are worse artists necessarily but learning the skills helps most people’s development. One could say the same thing about philosophy. I do not need to know what philosophers have thought to think with a philosophical mind set, but my ideas will only progress so far if I do not read and hear other people’s opinions. I may never get beyond a flaw in my logic that I could see if I read someone else’s opinion. An artist’s work may never become more interesting, if they do not learn what others have thought in their chosen medium. Everyone can benefit from attempting to improve and one of the best ways to do so is through education. People often enjoy the challenge in learning new ways to do something they enjoy and it helps them develop. We have seen people sing, dance, draw, and play an instrument that lack training. In most cases we do not enjoy their creations. People also develop confidence and pride once they have skill and then feel more comfortable adapting and trying new things.
Should an artist only expose themselves to what they consider good art or is there something worth from all forms of art? Should an artist attempt to focus on learning about their medium or can learning about other mediums be just as helpful?

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